Summarizing the effect of a single newline: no effect in general, but it ends a list item or indented part; 总结单一的新行的优点:对整体没有影响,但是结束了列表内容或者嵌套的部分;
The Chinese delegation welcomes the report submitted by the Secretary General under this agenda item. 中国代表团欢迎秘书长在此议题下提交的报告。
"The general item say" pointed out parts of form characteristics of the trustworthiness principle, but did not provide more thinner knowledge for us. “双重功能说”将目光投向阐释对象的特征和功能,但没有突出诚信原则的个性。
In the following sections, each general type of psionic item, such as armor or psionic tattoos, gets an overall description, followed by descriptions of specific items. 以下部分将先概括描述灵能物品的一般类型,例如防具或灵纹,再对具体物品做描述。
Use the item of general exhausting form& the item of wearing form. 物品使用有正常使用能够状态和穿着状态。
Construction of the Chinese plane was built to face the British style is the "combination of Chinese and Western content" may call for the general characteristics of the item. 建筑的平面是中式的,建筑的立面风格是英式的,“中西合璧”可称之为对这个项目特点的概括。
This paper discusses the management model and operation process of general contract project item and analyzes the general contractors contract responsibilities and management system. 探讨了工程总承包项目的管理模式和运作过程,并在此基础上分析总结了总承包商的合同责任和管理体系。
Click general under the windows forms designer item and ensure that the autotoolboxpopulate option is set to true. 单击“windows窗体设计器”项下面的“常规”,并确保“autotoolboxpopulate”选项设置为“true”。
Application of General Item Bank in Auto-generating Paper Based on GA 遗传算法在通用试题库自动组卷中的应用
In this article, authors discuss the operation process and management modules of a general contract project item, and then analyze general contractors 'contract responsibilities and main risks such as contract kind risks, uncertain project work scope risks and general contract operation process risks. 探讨了总承包(EPC)项目的运作过程和管理模式,并在此基础上重点探讨了总承包商的合同责任和主要风险,包括合同种类风险、工程范围的不确定性风险以及总承包运作过程风险等。
Researches and Design of General Adaptive Item Bank 通用自适应题库系统的研究与设计
In addition to having the law characteristic that a pair of duty, promised, compensated and keeps on, the telecommunication contract also has the characteristic of the general format item contract. 电信合同具有双务性、诺成性、有偿性、持续性的法律特征外,也具有一般格式条款合同的特征。
Study on General Intelligent Item Bank 通用智能题库系统研究
General item pool management system ( GIPMS) is the concrete application of computer technique in teaching. 通用试题库管理是计算机技术在教学方面的具体应用。
Archives Management of General Contract Item 浅谈如何做好总承包项目的档案管理
This method is of general significance, with which item banks of any subject for educational purpose may be implemented. 该方法能应用于各学科,以建立网络题库,因此具有普遍意义。
The paper introduces the designing idea and realizing method of the general intelligent item bank system which can automatically inputting item and automatically intelligent composing papers. 主要介绍了适用于多种学科的可以实现自动录入试题、并能进行自动组卷的通用题库管理系统的设计思想和实现方法。
Design of General Item Bank of On-line Exam System Based on the B/ S Model 基于B/S模式在线考试系统的通用题库设计
Cat technical system and general design of an item bank CAT技术系统及试题库总体设计
According to the basic connotations of inductive reasoning, the author designed normative inductive tasks. This kind of task emphasized two points: the inference is from specific items to general item; 根据归纳推理的基本内涵,设计了标准归纳推理任务,这种任务强调两点:从具体项目向一般性项目推论;
Then it establishes the competitive strategy of the enterprise and analyzes the company's general strategy and an concrete investment item. 明确公司的总体战略,并对具体投资项目进行了分析;
An general item bank is designed for on-line examination. According to the demands of the canonical item bank design, a relational database model is designed. 设计了一种适合于在线考试系统的通用试题数据库,根据规范数据库设计的要求,设计了试题库的关系模型。
In recent years, the application of Internet Technology and Artificial Intelligence in education system imposes new requirements in Item Bank System. And now it is the trend of the industry to develop an General Adaptive Item Bank System based on Web. 近几年来,随着网络技术以及人工智能在教育领域应用的深入,题库系统出现了新的需求,开发具有网络环境下的通用自适应题库系统是目前的发展趋势。
This paper gives out the general item form& sum formula about sequence of non-square natural numbers. 讨论了非平方自然数列的通项及求和公式。
Operation Process and Contract Analysis of a General Contract Project Item 工程总承包项目的运作过程和合同分析
Study and Realization of General Intelligent Item Bank System 通用智能题库管理系统的研究与实现
The paper relates how to make the general plan design, how to dispose the relationship among existing facilities, current engineering, and extension engineering in the general layout design of extension item through engineering practice; 结合具体工程实践,阐述了在扩建工程的总平面规划设计中,如何统筹兼顾、全面规划,处理好原有设施、本期工程、预留扩建工程三者的关系。
The first part is the introductory part, the author of this article firstly describe the contents in general, including the foundation of the item selection, and the significance of the article, the innovation points and weaknesses of the article. 第一部分是引言部分,作者对本文先从总体上进行了描述,说明了文章选题的依据、意义及文章的创新点与不足之处。
The general technology scheme of the item is made up of IPC, movement controller with DSP and AC servo driving system. 课题的总体技术方案是IPC+带DSP的运动控制器+交流伺服驱动系统。
The prohibition against right abuses the conduct and actions general law item, content with postpone outside all not clear and definite. 禁止权利滥用作为一般性的法律条款,内涵和外延均不明确。